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At Well Lane we follow the ‘Ready, Steady, Write’ scheme of work from Years 1 to Y6.

The writing curriculum we offer, follows the national curriculum in KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters in the early years. Our writing curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.

Ready, Steady, Write’ is evidence-based teaching of writing through comprehensive units that have been carefully constructed so the entire statutory curriculum for English is covered from Yr 1 to Y6. Each unit has a specific writing outcome for the narrative and non-narrative form to ensure pupils are given opportunities to write for many different purposes, these are explained for each term below. 

Components are carefully sequenced so new knowledge builds on what has been previously taught and leads to the end points. All writing lessons following a planning approach of, 'Immerse, Analyse, Plan and Write.' 

The detailed units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities within and across the curriculum. They provide: 

Clear sequential lesson plans

Vocabulary learning and contextualised spelling, grammar and punctuation 

Wider reading for the wider curriculum

Curriculum Enrichments

Model Texts linked to writing outcomes

Year One

Vehicle Text

Major Glad, Major 




Where the wild things are

The Secret of Black Rock

The Last Wolf

Narrative outcome

Discovery story

Purpose: To narrate

Instructions: How to catch a witch

Purpose: to instruct

Detective story

Portal story

Return story

Hunting story



Recount: Messages Purpose: To recount

Recount: Messages

Purpose: to give 


Recount: Letters

Purpose: to recount

Information: Wild things

Purpose: to 


Recount: Postcards Purpose: to 




Purpose: to inform










Year Two

Vehicle Text

A River

The Night Gardener 

Bog Baby 

Grandad’s Island

The King Who Banned the Dark


Rosie Revere

Narrative outcome

Narrative: Circular Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Setting Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Finding Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Return Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Mistake Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Invention Narrative Purpose: To narrate



Recount: Letter Purpose: To inform

Recount: Diary Purpose: To recount

Instructions: How to build a habitat Purpose: To instruct

Information: Jungle Animals Purpose: To inform

Information: How to be a Regal Leader Purpose: To inform

Explanation: How a machine works Purpose: To explain


Year Three

Vehicle Text


Seen not heard

The Iron Man

Jemmy Button


Into the Forest

Narrative outcome

Narrative: Fable Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Character Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Approach Threat Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Return Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Egyptian Mystery Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Lost Narrative Purpose: To narrate



Information: Foxes Purpose: To inform

Instructions: How to be a mischievous child Purpose: To instruct

Explanation: How to capture the Iron Man Purpose: To explain

 the Iron Man Purpose: To explain Information: Letters Purpose: To recount

Instructions: Secret Diary Purpose: To recount

Narrative: Lost Narrative Purpose: To narrate







Year Four

Vehicle Text

The Journey


Arthur and the Golden Rope

The Lost Happy Endings

The Whale


Narrative outcome

Narrative: Refugee Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Invention Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Myth Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Twisted Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Setting Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Outsider Narrative Purpose: To narrate



Recount: Diary Purpose: To recount

Recount: Jacques Cousteau Biography Purpose: To recount

Information: Defeating a Viking monster Purpose: To inform

Persuasion: Letter Purpose: To persuade

Recount: Newspaper Report Purpose: To recount

Information: Polar Bears Purpose: To inform



Year Five

Vehicle Text

Where Once We Stood


The Hound of the Baskervilles


The Promise



The Lost Book of Adventure

 King Kong

Narrative outcome

Narrative: Exploration Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Cliffhanger Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Recount: Diary Purpose: To recount

Narrative: Setting Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Survival Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Dilemma Narrative Purpose: To narrate



Recount: Formal Report Purpose: To recount

Recount: Formal Event Report Purpose: To inform

Recount: Henry Brown Biography
Purpose: To recount

Recount: Letter Purpose: To recount

Explanation: Survival Guide Purpose: To explain

Discussion: Balanced Argument Purpose: To discuss


Year Six

Vehicle Text

Rose Blanche

 A Story Like the Wind

 The Origin of the Species


Shackleton’s Journey

Hansel and Gretel

Narrative outcome

Recount: Diary Purpose: To recount

Narrative: Flashback Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Discovery Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Recount: First Person Narrative Purpose: To narrate Discussion: Balanced Argument Purpose: To discuss

Narrative: Endurance Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Narrative: Dual Narrative Purpose: To narrate



Recount: Bravery Speech Award Purpose: To recount & inform (hybrid)

Recount: Newspaper Report Purpose: To recount

Explanation: Adaptation Purpose: To explain

Information Text: Wolves Purpose: To inform Narrative: Suspense Narrative Purpose: To narrate

Recount: Magazine Article Purpose: To recount

Persuasion: Letter Purpose: To persuade